Dear Ms. V,
This could be just one of the many messages you will ever receive.
I just want to thank you for making our wedding day very memorable 🙂 These trimmings are just a bonus for what weddings and marriages should be in reality.
I had no set plans or images of a perfect or dream wedding for myself nor had a concrete idea idea of what my dream wedding gown should appear or look like. You made it all happen and the little to no expectation I had surprised my husband and I in many ways… Thank you for being more than just a designer but also a person with a real touch for the human soul. Ms. V, thank you!! 🙂
PS. Just like most of your brides, I really do miss visiting your place especially getting to talk with your staff. I enjoyed every bit of the preparations especially my fittings …. 🙁
Photos by Bordoy Viterbo
September 5, 2012 @ 2:45 am
Hi Ms Veluz! You have amazing works! I adore the details u do. Sadly I was able to purchase my gown already from Davids bridal, I would like to know if u could possibly make for me the cover for the chest and back coz its a tube wedding gown and is like to have a cover for church ceremony. I really wish u could coz I love looking at your works, they are really beautiful, if only I haven’t bought one, I could have asked to have it done from u entirely. I just saw your works recently. My bad! Here is my email,
I adore your creations.
September 5, 2012 @ 2:46 am
Hi Ms Veluz! You have amazing works! I adore the details u do. Sadly I was able to purchase my gown already from Davids bridal, I would like to know if u could possibly make for me the cover for the chest and back coz its a tube wedding gown and is like to have a cover for church ceremony. I really wish u could coz I love looking at your works, they are really beautiful, if only I haven’t bought one, I could have asked to have it done from u entirely. I just saw your works recently. My bad! Here is my email,
I adore your creations.
September 5, 2012 @ 2:47 am
Hi Ms Veluz! You have amazing works! I adore the details u do. Sadly I was able to purchase my gown already from Davids bridal, I would like to know if u could possibly make for me the cover for the chest and back coz its a tube wedding gown and is like to have a cover for church ceremony. I really wish u could coz I love looking at your works, they are really beautiful, if only I haven’t bought one, I could have asked to have it done from u entirely. I just saw your works recently. My bad! Here is my email,
I adore your creations.
September 19, 2012 @ 9:59 am
These wedding dresses are extremely beautiful,i prefer these unique dresses.
September 22, 2012 @ 7:10 am
Hi Ms. Veluz! I was so moved and inspired with this blog entry… It’s amazing how you aspired and worked as hard as every other struggling fashion designers… I’m also doing the same now~ going to clients’ houses but with my son accompanying me. And your story here is so heartfelt to dreamers like me! You’re such an inspiration!
October 23, 2012 @ 12:19 pm
There are many different and bridal dress collections are look so beautiful with style and designs. The appears idea of the design is so entire.