She is probably the giggliest, most excited bride I’ve worked with. You can hear her voice slightly a pitch higher when she arrives for fitting but suddenly turns silent the minute she wears her gown. It scared me at first, is she disappointed? naku, lagot! but I realized later, she was just holding it in! Less than an hour later, she’ll send me an SMS full of thanks and love that you can actually feel her screaming of joy! There was even one time that her groom thanked me for making his bride that happy. I was touched. 🙂

And Judy is an only child with a very protective father, imagine having your dad peeking inside your classroom making sure you’re okay? and this didn’t happen in her kindergarten class, she was already taking her Masters degree! I love him!!
I am just so thankful that I didn’t disappoint her. And I will forever cherish the time when her mom thanked me on the wedding day – “pinalapit ako sa yo ng dad ni judy para sabihin salamat daw ha, ang ganda ganda raw ng anak nya”
awwwww I almost hugged him! hahahaha! 🙂
here she was on her wedding day :

and here’s what she sent me after –
Hola Ms. V!!!!

Err…where do I begin?! I think I’m lost for words. hehee :o) I was never outspoken with this, but I wanted to tell you how much I have enjoyed working with you, with Niko darling, and with all of your other staff as well. You all have been sweet and kind and friendly and accommodating…not just to me, but to my family as well. From the very first time I spoke with you, to the emails, to the countless kulit texts, to the personal visits — every fitting is simply one-of-a-kind… *sigh* Thank you so much for being soooooo uberly patient with me…for keeping up with my perkiness! I’m just really, really, really happy (well, probably the word ‘happy’ is an understatement right now!) I found you and that you’ve said yes to design and craft my wedding dress.

I guess no amount of words could really express how deeply I appreciate everything you did for John and I. So…here’s my[our] version of saying “THANK YOU”!

I never called myself the perfect client.
Demented, giddy, and at times, inconvenient.
The moment she sent me her designs,
Instantly I knew, a psycho will be refined.

Sketches I can’t even draw on my mind,
Captured by her ideas, they’re just so divine.
Golly! It was remarkably a flawless gown,
Simply staring at it, I cannot wear a frown.
For the second time, I morphed into a princess.
Even my prince, he, too, thought I’m a goddess.

Exactly what every girl wants,
Definitely raves, not rants.
A dress only catered to my satisfaction,
Definitely, ’twas crafted to sheer perfection.

She taught me what “fru-fru” means,
Oh, “fabric flowers” — that’s what it is!
I have adored her sense of fashion.
Even paid more tribute to her passion.
She was obviously my accomplished dream.
A bride can have everything so it seem.

Truly, I will miss each visit to her shop,
Even dear Niko, who made all my props.
Hear me when I say, I take the highest pride,
To become one of the happiest Veluz’ bride!

With all sincerity and in it’s simplest form, John and I give you BIG thanks…for anything and everything. You guys are all super fabulous to work with.

I love you, Ms. V!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you Judy, I am deeply touched. I will surely miss your shrieks 🙂

Photos by Fol Rana and Mimi and Karl (ayaw nya ng pictures ‘no?)
Coordination by Ernest Pascual of Events! Events! (di sya masyadong kikay, promise 🙂