I am dead tired from all the meetings and fittings I had today but reading this email somehow renewed me… reminded me of what my work is all about …

“hi veluz,Β this is a fan mail πŸ˜‰

i know you from w@w since i joined them in 2006 when i planned for my july 2007 wedding. i so love reading about you, your gowns and your brides. inggit ako! i never gathered enough courage to meet with you coz i only have a small budget for my wedding. you were just part of my nice-to-have and not need.

now, i like reading blogs and i stumbled upon your site from a link from a fellow nawie naman. haha like deja vu, i saw your creations and it left me wistfully thinking that if money had not been an object, i should have gotten you to make my gown. i agree that a girl should be her most beautiful on her wedding day. your gowns are not just something to wear on that day — it brings on the attitude, the romantic aura, the beauty of THE BRIDE.

i loved my wedding and the regrets are few and far-in-between. but i am now sorry that i wasn’t a veluz bride. πŸ˜‰

more power and congratulations on your continued success!


thank you.
thank you so much Andrea!
you make it all worthwhile πŸ™‚

di ko kinaya, may fan ako! hahahaha!

pahabol – to all those who are patiently waiting for sketches, please please please have more patience po, I am really working on it.